Frances Speno Ziel Memorial Educational Award
We are pleased to invite students, staff and alumni of the Chatham School District to apply to the Frances Speno Ziel Memorial Award for support for continuing education endeavors.
How much will be awarded?
Because this is our inaugural year, $1,000 will be awarded to one individual or group.
Who is eligible?
Individuals or groups with at least one member who is a student, staff or alumni of Chatham School District between ages 16-30 years old. This includes those who attend/attended school in Angoon, Gustavus, Klukwan and Tenakee Springs, as well as past or present students and current staff of the Chatham Distance Program.
What may the award be used for?
The award may be used towards investing in an academic, business or artistic endeavor that will propel applicant(s) to reach their stated goal. Examples include:
Support for education and training
including but not limited to university, trade school, certifications, and licenses
Tuition, travel costs, tools, housing, supplies, books, etc.
Support for performance arts and fine arts
Production costs associated with performances
Art supplies
Musical instruments
Items to help you start a business
Helping individual or group to meet goals they are passionate about
Funding for a community project or event
Application Process:
Please answer the following prompt either by submitting a 1 - 3 page double-spaced essay, or by creating a 3 - 10 minute video or audio recording.
Please tell us…
Your goals, and how this scholarship will help you reach your goals
How you plan to use the money
A little about you, including your age and affiliation with Chatham School District
Deadline: May 15th
Please email to