During this time of giving thanks, I want to share just a few of the things we are grateful for: We are thankful for our students who come to school every day ready to learn. They are a constant reminder of what is important to us all.
Our school is thankful for teachers, administrators, assistants, bus drivers, secretaries, and support staff that really care about student achievement and have their students' best interests at heart. There are dedicated and tireless individuals who go above and beyond to ensure that great things happen in our school in these challenging times. They do make a difference, and the children benefit in their own way.
The most important thing is that we are grateful for the parents that have continued to place their trust in us. Sharing the most valuable possessions they have with us and working hard to be a partner in the education, safety, and well-being of their children.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families! I hope you all have a healthy and relaxing holiday!