The purpose of the Chatham School District Post-Secondary Survival fund is to assist graduates from the Chatham School District with expenses while in post-secondary school. Students may use these funds for whatever needs they choose. Students receiving these funds must apply and meet the established criteria set by the School Board at its June 12, 2012 Board meeting.
Enrollment Requirement Students must be enrolled as post-secondary students as evidenced by official admission records from the institution they ore attending
G.P.A. Requirement: Students must have a 2.5 grade point average at the post-secondary institution where they are enrolled or have a 2.5 cumulative grade point average for their high school years while attending a school in the Chatham School District
Credit Requirement: Students are eligible, two checks up to $400.00 if they meet the criteria listed: they have taken 12 semester credits, or its equivalent, or up to $200.00 if they have taken up to 6 semester credits, and currently are enrolled at least part time.
High School Seniors
High school seniors may request survival funds if they are enrolled in a post secondary program beginning in the Fall of the year preceding their graduation if they earned a minimum 2.5 cumulative G.P.A .
High School transcripts only need to be submitted for high school students applying for funds after graduating high school and need not be submitted for future request
Number of Requests Students may submit a request two (2) times per year during the months of June and January.
Address Requirement: Students must give the school district a current address to send the check to the student.

After submitting this form follow the link to email your official or unofficial transcripts along with a current course schedule
Click here to submit transcript and course schedule
Follow link to order High School Transcripts
Once you complete the form use the above link to email them to Chatham School District